Junckers Industrier A/S is a Danish company owned 100% by Junckers Holding A/S. Junckers Holding A/S is 100% owned by an investor group consisting of Junckers management. Junckers is headquartered in Køge, Denmark and has approximately 320 employees worldwide.
The board of F. Junckers Industrier A/S consists of:
Per Kristensen (Chairman)
Holger Carsten Hansen
Asbjørn Berge
Thomas Voss
Marianne Frederiksen (Employee representative)
Michael Lund Thrane (Employee representative)
The executive board and the group management team are responsible overall for the results and development of the Junckers Group.
The executive board
The executive board consists of CEO Carsten Chabert, Group Vice President of Supply Chain, Christian Midé-Andersen and Group CFO Jesper Langebro. In addition, the management team consists of Sales Operations Director Peter Eriksen.