Sustainability, Environment and Quality
In a global world, it is not enough for Junckers to improve itself continuously on a local level. We always try to ensure legal and sustainable forestry, and consequently, sustainable products, more effective energy utilisation and good working conditions. We do this through our subsidiaries, as well as by trying to influence our customers, suppliers and society on a broader scale.
In 1930 – long before it became trendy or politically correct – the young forester Flemming Juncker searched for ways to utilise and preserve one of our most valuable resources: the forests. At that time, there was very little focus on the environment and sustainable forestry. When Flemming Juncker implemented his ideas about care and sustainable utilisation of the forests, his company and the beautiful Junckers floors were born.
Junckers utilises 100% of the forested timber. Junckers is an energy-intensive industry using substantial volumes of energy for the drying and processing of wood. Junckers’ residual wood (sawdust, wood chips, saw-cut log ends and other residual wood from the production) is supplied to a wood-fired power plant, which in return supplies electricity to Junckers and the Danish national electricity network.
As wood is considered CO2-neutral material and because Junckers generates more energy than the business itself can consume, the energy surplus is used to produce CO2-neutral electricity, which benefits society. That makes Junckers a CO2-neutral company!
At Junckers, we believe in sustainability and we support initiatives that improve environmental awareness. Complying with environmental legislation and environmental regulations is paramount to us and in areas where we see further possibilities of improvement, we strive to do more. We co-operate with internationally recognised certification schemes, such as FSC®, PEFC™ and others.
Juncker's product quality management system forms the basis of the company's CE marking of timber floors according to EN 14342: 2005 + A1: 2008, EN 14904: 2006 and EU Guidance Paper B and D for CE marking.
The quality system is built according to the ISO 9000 series, however without being monitored by a third party.
The system includes employees, production and administrative processes and resources essential to meet the company's quality goals.
Below you find a content overview of Juncker's handbook for quality assurance.
Junckers is certified according to ISO 14001. Additionally, the environmental management system also comprises areas such as working environment (OHSAS 18001), as well as energy safety in connection with electrical work (SKS).
Our most significant, potential, local environmental impacts are wood dust, wastewater and noise. As extensive facilities to purify air discharge and wastewater have been established over the years, the environmental impacts have today been minimised and Junckers meets regulatory requirements with an ample margin. The environmental impacts are measured regularly as part of observing the company’s environmental approval.
About two-thirds of our purchases of timber logs come from certified forests in Denmark, Germany, Poland and Sweden. The forests are certified according to the internationally recognised certification schemes FSC® and PEFC™. In general, we work consciously and actively on increasing the share of certified timber.
The remaining logs come from uncertified forests in the same countries, where legal and sensible forestry is ensured by the national legislation in itself.
Since 2006, Junckers is CoC-certified (CoC = Chain of Custody) and is, therefore, entitled to sell products that are certified according to the PEFC™ scheme (certificate no. 200663), and since 2010, according to the FSC® scheme (BV-COC-001400 and BV-CW-001400).
For trading products – which today account for less than 5% of Junckers’ revenue and are purchased globally – it is our aim to increase the share of suppliers that are certified.
Junckers’ floors are CE marked, which means that the floors must comply with certain common EU standards in relation to safety, the environment and health. A declaration of performance lays the basis for the CE marking, which accurately shows how specific legal requirements are met. For example, this is applicable to fire resistance, degassing, compression strength, friction, etc.