ACCESSORIES - Product Information

Junckers Sylvafix
Commercial / Residential / Sport

H 3.8



Juncker Sylvafix is used for installation of Junckers floors, according to the installation guides for the individual floor systems.

By solid strip and solid plank floors use glue only to the boards-ends and the last row of boards against the wall. It is not advisable to apply glue on the longitudinal edges of the boards.

Engineered floors with tongue and groove installed as a floating floor must be glued on all four sides, both on the boards-ends and the longitudinal edges.


Product: Moisture resistant water based PVAc-dispersion.

Resistance: For indoor use only. Water: Class D3 according to EN204/205.
Temperature range: 0 - 60° C.

Package sizes: 0.75 ltr. bottle.

Appearance: White liquid. Thermoplastic when dry.

Solid floors: Approx. 50 m² of floor area per bottle. Engineered floors: Approx. 10 m² of floor area per bottle.

Junckers Sylvafix is applied so that both surfaces in the glue joint are wetted.
Excess glue is removed immediately with a damp cloth.

Open time: Maximum 5 min. at 20° C and 50% RH.

Drying time: Full strength is usually obtained after 24 hours at 20° C.

Application Temperature: Minimum 10° C for materials and workspaces.

Cleaning of tools:
Soap and water. Dry material is dissolved with Junckers Thinner 006 or ethanol.

Storage: Stable for 1 year in unopened container at 20° C. Do not expose to frost.

